The middle school social studies program is designed to help our students make sense of the rapidly changing world around them and successfully prepare for college, career, and civic life.
Through their studies of world cultures in Grades 6, 7, and U.S. history in Grade 8, the social studies team encourages students to think critically, to question, analyze and evaluate information in order to develop evidence-based opinions and arguments.
Oh the Places You’ll Go!
Guided by their teachers, Grade 6 and 7 students will investigate cultures that span the globe, China, India, Latin America, Japan, Southeast Asia, Africa, Europe, Russia, and the Middle East. Using the different lenses of economic, social and political characteristics, students will discover the unique qualities of various cultures, as well as the similarities.
In the Grade 8, students will travel back to the past to discover that history is not just a series of boring dates, but a mystery that is still to be unraveled. Eighth graders will trace the development of the United States from its beginnings as a group of barely surviving colonies to the position of power and leadership held today.