This is the Monday Message for the week of 10/9-10/13.
Each week (when there is school on Monday) you will receive a message from us with updates on upcoming events and news from GRMS.
MAP Testing:
Additional make-up MAP testing will be held for students on October 10th and October 11th. If your child needs to complete a MAP assessment, please make sure that they bring a fully charged device.
Calendar Updates:
- On Friday, October 20th, all schools will be closed for students.
- Our Magnet Showcase Night will be held on Tuesday, October 24th, from 6:00-7:30pm. Please save the date!
New BusWhere App:
The BCPS Office of Transportation has announced the county-wide implementation of BusWhere, a location tracking software that allows subscribers to see bus locations in real-time on a mobile phone or computer. More information can be found on the following link: BusWhere for BCPS Parents

7th Grade Field Trip to the Baltimore Zoo:
7th Grade students will have the opportunity to attend the Baltimore Zoo on October 25th as a grade level incentive. This trip will allow students to apply science standards into everyday life and increase achievement in multiple disciplines by giving students hands on experiences in their own community. We are also looking for parents or guardians of 7th graders who are interested in chaperoning. More information regarding the field trip has been sent home with students.
A message from Ms. Wood, Social Studies Department Chair, about Academic Dishonesty:
A quick reminder that academic dishonesty and plagiarism are Category I offences, per the BCPS student handbook. If your child needs assistance with a specific task, please encourage them to reach out to their teacher to receive appropriate support.
That is all for now! Thank you, and have a wonderful week!