Good Evening Golden Ring Families
This is the Monday Message for our third week of school 9/11-9/15.
Each week (when there is school on Monday) you will receive a message from us with updates of upcoming events and news from GRMS.
Thank you:
We would like to THANK all of the parents, students, community members and families that attended our Back to School Night last Wednesday. It was a great success!
This week:
This week there is no school for students on Friday September 15th as it is a Systemwide Professional Development Day for Teachers & Staff and Rosh Hashanah begins.
Have you checked on your students grades yet?
Information on how to set-up a parent Schoology and Focus account can be found on the BCPS website at:
We have a new timeline and guidelines for grading. Teachers should be grading and providing feedback to students each week. Students who turn in assignmnets by the due date will recieve feedback and a chance to redo assignments (except for tests or curriculumn assessments)
Please see the 2 attached forms for this year:
GRMS Grading Guidlines (1).docx
Assignment Redo Request.docx
Our Cross Country Team has try-outs starting today September 11th.
Our Badminton Team also meets and starts this week on Tuesday 9/12.
Students that wish to participate in interscholastic sports teams must have a physical form completed and permission forms as well. Please reach out to our Athletic Advisor Ms. Nugent at [email protected] if you have questions about our Fall Sports Teams.
Intramural (School based only) Soccer starts this Wednesday September 13th. Intramural soccer will meet every Wednesday through October 10th from 3:30 – 4:30 pm and uses the athletic field near our Tennis Courts.
Magnet Info For Grade 8 students and families:
Information about magnet applications will be available on the BCPS Magnet Programs’ Web site starting this Tuesday, September 12, 2023. Applications MUST be submitted by 1 p.m. on November 3, 2023. Late applications will not be accepted! Magnet application information brochures were provided to your child last week. Please refer to the brochure or the BCPS website for more information. Beginning this week, 8th grade students will have magnet presentations during their classes. If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Pagarigan ([email protected]) or Mrs. Kolstrom ([email protected]).
Thank you for your support and we hope you have a blessed week!
Charlyne Maul, Principal