This is the Monday Message for the week of February 26th, 2024:
A message from the Library Media Specialist:
A big thank you for everyone who participated and bought something from the book fair. We raised nearly $4,000 dollars for the library. In addition, students are welcome to come to the library every day before or after school and lunch when there are no classes. Students may check 5 books for 3 weeks.
Any questions can be directed to Dr. Venker
MISA Testing Update for 8th Grade Students:
MISA for grade 8 students will start on March 5th. Please remind them to bring a charged device to school. For your convenience, the link below will direct you to a parent letter with more information regarding the MISA assessment and how it will impact students.
parent letter.pdf
BCPS Climate Survey is Open:
This is a reminder for families to please take a moment to complete the BCPS Climate Survey. The new 2024 BCPS Climate Survey has fewer questions for all stakeholders with a focus on school climate and engagement. We are asking for your help to get the word out and boost participation. The survey will be available from Monday, February 5, through Friday, March 8, 2024. The survey is for all stakeholders: students in Grades 3–12, parents/caregivers, community members, and all staff. It takes three minutes or less to complete and is anonymous. The link to the Climate Survey can be found below.
Parent-Teacher Conference Night:
Conference Night is scheduled for Wednesday, March 6th, from 5-7pm. We invite families to attend in order to receive updates on student progress. If you are interested in speaking with teachers but are not able to attend, please work with teachers to determine a mutually agreed-upon date and time to touch base.
That is all for now! Have a wonderful week!