This is the Monday Message for the week of October 30th. Each week (when there is school on Monday) you will receive a message from us with updates on upcoming events and news from GRMS.
Maryland Food Bank:
The Maryland Food Bank has scheduled a delivery to our school on November 2nd for families who are interested.
Picture Day:
Picture Day will take place this week on Thursday, November 2nd. Please have your children come to school dressed accordingly!
A Message from Dr. Pagarigan, our Magnet Coordinator:
Attention 5th and 8th Grade Students and Families! Please remember that November 3rd is the Magnet Application Deadline. All magnet applications MUST be submitted by no later than 1 pm on November 3rd for your application to be eligible. Remember that applications can be submitted ONLINE.
Community Health Fair Event:
Join us at the Community Health Fair sponsored by the public health students from Towson University. This event will be held at Overlea High School in the cafeteria on Saturday, November 4th from 10:00 AM -1:00 PM. Prizes and food will also be available.
Please see the attached flyer below for more information.
HLTH 430 Health Fair Flyer.png
A Message for 8th Grade Students:
Mrs. Jones is looking to enlist 20 students to assist with the food pantry, clothing closet, and assisting with events and activities. Paper copies and QR code of the volunteer applications are available outside the SELF room. To be considered for a position, students must submit an application to Mrs. Jones by Wednesday, November 1 (No exceptions). Interviews for the various positions will be held next week by invitation only.
That is all for now! Thank you, and have a wonderful week and have a safe Halloween.